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The basic formula  was created over 10 years ago by a world-class team of scientists and doctors.

It was created to be the most powerful moisturizing/ nourishing agent ever. 

However, due to its amazing ability to help problem skin, it has had extensive use in the health care industry.

First of all, it’s important to understand how a typical moisturizer works. Generally, all so called moisturizers work by simply covering the skin with a thin film of something, like oils waxes or petroleum products in an attempt to hold in moisture.  Hence they really do not moisturize the skin at all, but simply attempt to prevent moisture loss.  

Simply Better Skin Care™  is vastly different for three main reasons.  First,  our water-based delivery system is capable of very quick and deep penetration.  Next, our products are totally based on amino acid technology.  Amino acids are the very building blocks of all living things on Earth.  Amino acids are essential for healthy vibrant skin.  Lastly, this hospital approved defense system allows the highest level of germ free delivery of any product available.

While it’s true the SBSC formula has shown miraculous results in helping skin problems and injuries, it was originally designed to be the most effective cosmetic product ever created.  If you have relatively healthy skin, Simply Better™  can improve your skin and keep it that way for many years to come!

Sometimes impressive results occur within the first few days of use. However, keep in mind that Simply Better™ formula  works by helping the skin rejuvenate itself at the cellular level.  These new skin cells may take weeks to appear on the surface of the skin.  While fast results are common, the most impressive and lasting changes occur over time with continued use.

In order for any delivery system to be effective, it has to be able to penetrate the skin.  Most skin care products do nothing more than ride on the surface.  The highly developed delivery system in the  SBSC™ formula allows for quick, almost instant penetration.

Firstly, the Simply Better™ formula  has a controlled viscosity, which becomes less and less viscous as shear force is applied.  Secondly, the electro static properties are correct and compatible with the skin’s natural electro static charge. Thirdly, the SBSC™ formula temporarily reduces skin surface tension to allow penetration.  Lastly, the molecules in the entire product are small enough in size and weight to allow penetration. 

Whether your skin is dry, oily or a combination of both, this formula works wonders on all skin types.

This is how moisture and nutrients crucial to proper skin health are delivered under the stratum corneum (the protective barrier of the skin) for use in daily maintenance and renewal.

Many products do have collagen in them.  Collagen is a very complex protein too large to penetrate the skin and be of any real use.  Many collagen products are from bovine (cattle) sources.  We do not recommend them!

The functions that amino acids are involved with are too many to list. It’s simply easier to say there is nothing that takes place in your body that does not involve them!  That’s why they are so important.  

We derive the amino acids in our products from plant sources because it gives us a pure version of the desired amino acid.  Therefore there are no animal products used to acquire our amino acids nor has there ever been any animal testing to perfect our products.

No, not at all! Amino acids are the basic compounds for every component of your skin.  Alpha hydroxy and glycolic acids are derived from fruits, and are designed to dissolve the chemical bonds on your skin.  They are a harsh and damaging way  to accomplish  exfoliation.  They also make the skin sensitive to the sun.  Its an outdated and dangerous way to treat the delicate surface layers of your skin!

It has been medically proven that the loss of important proteins manufactured in the skin contributes to the aging process.  By nourishing the skin with the necessary amino acid building blocks, the skin can do a much better job of its own maintenance.  Hence, everything from wrinkles and discoloration to more severe problems like dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea etc. can dramatically improve in appearance.

No. Not at this time.  Sunscreen is an important part of taking care of your skin.  However, Simply Better™ products are designed to penetrate the layers of the skin.  Sunblock and sunscreens are designed to stay on the surface of the skin to be effective.  WE STRONGLY SUGGEST you apply sunscreen after applying our products for best protection. 

Easy, just email [email protected] with any questions you may have.  We generally respond within 24 hours or less.


"Simply Better" Skin in Just 28 Days

Put Natures Best Healing and Hydrating Ingredients to work on your skin!