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How to Find Great Body Care Products

In general, the skin of the body ages more slowly than the face, simply because the body is not exposed to UV light as often.

However, that does not mean the body does not age.  Factors like pregnancy, nursing, fluctuating weight, disease, and other external and internal stress can lead the skin to lose elasticity, resulting in sagging or wrinkled skin.

Even amongst body care products, the skin care market’s focus is skewed towards the face, neck, and décolletage; products for the torso, arms and legs are often hard to find, especially multifunctional products that can hydrate the skin, offer sun protection etc.

The great news is, the same ingredients that are most-recommended for facial skin are also recommended for body skin.  These include:

  • Amino Acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Glycerin and other hydrators

The Simply Better Total Body Moisturizing Formula was designed with Preventhelia and 17 amino acids that keep the skin hydrated, protected from oxidative stress, and repair signs of aging, among numerous other benefits. Today, we would like to discuss the importance of skin care for the body, and how the Simply Better Skin Care Total Body formula can help.

Below we have outlined some common roles that any good all-body moisturizer (like The Total Body Moisturizing Formula!) should fulfill:

UV protection– even the most casual reader of our blog knows that UV exposure can lead to a whole host of problems, from melanoma and other skin cancers to skin discolorations, prematurely aged skin, and an early-onset of wrinkles and fine lines. Wearing long sleeve shirts or pants alone won’t save your body from sun damage, either; the sun’s rays are able to penetrate through loosely-woven or lightweight fabrics, especially fabrics in light colors. For the best protection, you should combine a UV-protective moisturizer with sun protective sunscreen, in addition to a broad-spectrum sunscreen(Recent Results in Cancer Research). Not only will wearing sunscreen daily reduce the likelihood of premature aging; research has also shown that long-term, daily use of a sunscreen reduced the risk of developing melanoma by nearly 50%(Journal of Clinical Oncology)

40 50

Moisturize – Dry skis weaker than its properly-hydrated counterparts, and aside from being both unsightly and painful, dry skin can make certain areas of the body more susceptible to damage. Additionally, well-hydrated skin is essential to both maintaining and giving the appearance of glowing, healthy skin. A good moisturizer should also contain ingredients that will both hydrate the skin and help the skin to retain this moisture.

Anti-aging – Skin on the body is able to deteriorate just as rapidly as that skin on the face and neck if not properly maintained. Environmental factors such as UV exposure, tobacco smoke, and air pollution can all contribute to the collection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the skin, which can in turn damage cellular DNA and contribute to signs of premature aging(Dermatology Research and Practice). Free radicals can also manipulate DNA and cell structure in such a way that skin cancer may develop ( Journals of Clinical Interventions in Aging)

Free Radical

Why is Simply Better Skin Care’s Total Body Moisturizing Formula Good for the Body?

We formulated Total Body with an abundance of skin-friendly ingredients to ensure supple, healthy, and well-protected skin all over the body.

Recently we added the peptide Preventhelia, which was specially designed to both combat and prevent free radical-induced DNA and protein damage (LotionCrafter). Preventhelia works by scavenging free radicals and inhibiting them from producing carbonyl proteins, and offers photoprotection to epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts. Similarly, L-histidine has shown potential as a UV-protective amino acid, though more research needs to be done to confirm L-histidine’s capabilities (PLoS Pathogens). L-histidine and L-leucine have alsodemonstrated potential in treating certain infections by either increasing the activity or production of skin’s antimicrobial peptides (PLoS Pathogens, Pharmaceuticals).

l histidine

Research from the European Journal of Dermatology indicated that when used in combination, L-leucine, proline and glycine may be able to reduce the appearance of wrinkled skin. L-proline also plays a significant role in wound-healing, especially healing leg ulcers (Australian Journal of Dermatology). In a study from the journal Amino Acids, a topical treatment of L-proline was found to significantly increase the rate of wound healing and reepithelialization in rats when compared to orally-administered L-proline. The amino acids L-arginine and L-glycine have similarly been linked to improved wound healing ( Wilderness and Environmental Damage, Eksp Klin Pharmacol)

For moisture, the Simply Better Skin Care Formula contains the humectant glycerin. When used in a 20% concentration, glycerin was found to significantly improve skin barrier strength by means of promoting cell maturation and turnover( International Journal of Cosmetic Science), Glycerin also acts as a humectant that helps the skin to retain water by penetrating the stratum corneum creating a reservoir of moisture (British Journal of Dermatology). As a humectant, glycerin also helps to protect skin from potential irritants, and facilities more rapid skin recovery(Archives of Dermatology Research)


Bottom Line

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need separate products for your arms, legs, torso, etc. Rather, a well-designed moisturizer and broad-spectrum sunscreen should be able to offer you all of the hydration, sun protection, and anti-aging capabilities necessary to maintain healthy, glowing skin all over the body. The Simply Better Skin Care Total Body Moisturizer was formulated with an assortment of innovative and tried-and-true ingredients to provide the best treatment for the body. Preventhelia, a recently-patented peptide, is able to both combat and prevent signs of free radical-induced damage, whereas L-Leucine, proline, and glycine have been linked to improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In addition to a host of amino acids that promote wound healing, the Simply Better Skin Care Total Body Moisturizer  also contains glycerin, a humectant that not only locks in moisture, but facilities skin recovery and protects against external irritants.


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