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Is Cold Weather Worsening Your Eczema?

Those dry, itchy, flaky patches of skin that seem to show up only when the weather gets cold could be eczema flare-ups. While eczema can occur during any time of the year, many people notice that it tends to get worse or is only noticeable when the weather changes. Learn why this happens and how you can help to keep your skin smooth, soft, and healthy, no matter the season.

Those dry, itchy, flaky patches of skin that seem to show up only when the weather gets cold could be eczema flare-ups. While eczema can occur during any time of the year, many people notice that it tends to get worse or is only noticeable when the weather changes. Learn why this happens and how you can help to keep your skin smooth, soft, and healthy, no matter the season.

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What Is Eczema?

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a common skin condition that affects millions of Americans. It is characterized by very dry, flaky patches of skin that can appear anywhere on the body. While the exact cause of this condition is still unknown, we do know that it seems to be linked to genetics [1]. In addition, there are a number of environmental factors that can trigger eczema symptoms, including changes in weather, certain foods, and harsh skin care ingredients.

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The Connection between Winter Weather and Dry Skin

Weather changes are one major contributor to eczema flare-ups, especially when warm summer air becomes cooler and less humid. The low humidity that occurs in many climate zones during winter can lead to dry skin, because there is less moisture available to the stratum corneum of the skin from the air [2]. On top of this, the heat that you’re probably running in your home, car, and office can worsen dry skin even more by further depleting the air around you of its moisture content.

For people with eczema, this can be the perfect recipe for the appearance of those red, flaky patches of skin. And unfortunately, the more you scratch, the more inflamed and irritated your skin will get, which can result in a vicious cycle of severely dry and even painful skin. Scratching due to inflammation is also an opportunity to introduce harmful bacteria, making it even more important to soothe and heal your skin.

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How to Soothe and Hydrate Eczema

So what can you do about dry winter skin and eczema? First, you may need to upgrade your moisturizer, even if you usually manage with a lighter formula in the summer. For dry, rough patches of skin, use a heavier formula that contains amino acids to help the skin repair itself more efficiently. Amino acids aid in collagen synthesis, a key protein within the skin that provides its firm structure. Topical application of amino acids has been shown to accelerate wound healing, as well as improve the look and feel of skin [3]. 

Simply Better™ Skin Care’s Total Body Moisturizing Lotion is an all-over body moisturizer that contains a blend of plant-based amino acids to help hydrate, nourish, and heal dry, irritated skin. Use this formula to help soothe patches of eczema and restore smoother, softer, and healthier-looking skin. Cocoon can also help to alleviate razor burn, sunburn, and minor cuts and scrapes thanks to its powerful concentration of amino acids.

In addition to choosing an effective moisturizer, you can combat dry winter skin by considering these helpful tips:

  • Use a humidifier to add moisture back into the air
  • Avoid rough fabrics like wool that can irritate the skin
  • Refrain from taking long, hot showers, which can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause dryness

In Summary

Eczema can be frustrating to deal with, but the better you are able to identify and avoid the external factors that trigger it, the easier it will be to manage your symptoms. Although it may be nearly impossible to avoid triggers such as changes in the weather, you can arm yourself with the most effective skin care ingredients for dry, flaky skin conditions. Incorporate a few easy lifestyle changes to help alleviate symptoms and get smooth, radiant skin all year-round.

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