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Proline, L-Proline (Amino Acid): What Proline Does in Skin Care

Proline is an amino acid with significant effects in skin care. When it is the form that can be utilized readily by the skin, it is called L-proline.

Proline is an amino acid with significant effects in skin care. When it is the form that can be utilized readily by the skin, it is called L-proline. [Read more: What is the Difference Between an L-Amino Acid and a Non-L-Amino Acid?]

Convert proteins to amino acids

Health and nutrition experts often talk about the value of protein. However, the real value of protein comes when an enzyme, amylase, breaks them down into amino acids, including proline. From there, the bloodstream can absorb the amino acids and deliver them to all of the key tissues of the body.

In the skin, proline has amazing results.

Like all nutrients, proline is naturally found in the skin at higher concentrations when you are younger. As you age, your body cannot produce or retain amino acids at the same rate. The result? You need to supplement the amino acids your skin is no longer making or holding onto in order to maintain the same rate of collagen and elastin production!

Think of your skin cells like an assembly line in a chocolate factory: If you run out of cocoa, you’re going to have to stop and get it from somewhere else, or make shoddy chocolate. Your skin is the same way! If you don’t have a steady stream of amino acids, the process of making proteins is going to slow — or be deterred!

Studies show that proline is vital in maintaining radiant and youthful skin. Proline has been shown to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles when used with glycine and leucine in at least one independent study (European Journal of Dermatology, 2013).

Topically applying skin care the amino acid proline should provide your skin with more radiance and firmness, as your skin is getting the supplies it needs to, in turn, make you more collagen, elastin, and other skin-supporting proteins naturally.

Do you have questions about proline? Let us know in Comments below!

You can find this amazing nutrient in all of Simply Better Skin Care products

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