Mens Aging and Lowered Testosterone Levels
How could we talk about men without mentioning testosterone? After all, it’s that oh-so-important hormone responsible for the onset of puberty, upping the sex drive, and, of course, the effects of aging. Unlike women, who experience an abrupt shift in hormone levels during menopause, men’s testosterone levels decrease much more gradually–about one percent every year after 30.
Because testosterone is responsible for everything from bone growth to water retention in men, this slow downhill coasting of the hormone level can lead to some changes in appearance. As men age, they begin to lose facial bone volume, which, combined with decreased collagen production and fluid retention in the skin, can cause the face to appear sunken-in and can contribute to lines and wrinkles.
Mens Aging and Thick Skin
Also thanks to testosterone, men tend to develop thicker skin, literally. In fact, according to the International Dermal Institute, men’s skin is about 25 percent thicker than the average woman’s, making it less susceptible to the signs of aging. Although men still do begin to lose collagen, the main protein responsible for giving our skin its firmness and structure, their thicker skin loses collagen at a slower rate than is the case for most women. Thus, fine lines and wrinkles appear gradually over time and can be most prominent at the corners of the eyes and the laugh lines around the mouth.
Mens Aging and Hair Loss
Although pattern baldness can affect both men and women, it tends to happen more frequently to men. And you guessed it, testosterone levels could be at play here, as well as pure genetics. While women tend to experience thinning hair, more than 50 percent of men will experience some amount of hair loss by age 50.
In Summary
When it comes to how our faces age, men and women really can seem like they come from different planets. But the good news is that there are a wide range of professional skin care products out there that can help both men and women look and feel like 60 really is the new 30. Simply Better Skin Care™ has an amazing Skin Perfecting Facial Cream that, for one, harnesses the power of 17 amino acids targeted to reduce bothersome lines and wrinkles, giving men and women an invigorating, youthful boost.