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The 2 Amino Acids Your Skin Wishes You Knew About: Isoleucine & leucine

L-isoleucine, or isoleucine, is a very important amino acid in skin care.

Like all amino acids, the real value of isoleucine comes from its assimilation into the protein. The bloodstream absorbs amino acids and deliver them to all of the key tissues of the body, including the skin, hair, and nails, where they are assimilated into structural proteins like collagen, elastin, fibrin, and keratin. Studies show that isoleucine in particular may be important in stimulating protein synthesis and tissue repair (Minerva Pediatrica, 2014).


When topically applied, isoleucine may have other amazing effects as well:

Counteracts vitamin B3 Deficiency

Isoleucine has been shown to combat pellagra, a disorder resulting from a lack of vitamin B3, or niacinamide. Pellagra is characterized by dermatitis, very dry skin, red patches, swelling, and sensitivity to sunlight (source).  Studies show that isoleucine may be able to ameliorate some or all of the symptoms of pellagra (The Lancet, 1971; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1983).

Considering that

Protects the Skin from Microbial Assault

When isoleucine is the form that can be utilized readily by the skin, it is called L-isoleucine. [Read more: What is the Difference Between an L-Amino Acid and a Non-L-Amino Acid?]  L-isoleucine may promote the natural production of anti-microbial peptides within the skin (Pharmaceuticals, 2014).


As with all amino acids, isoleucine is naturally found in the skin at higher concentrations when you are younger. As the years go by, your body’s processes slow and some stop entirely. The result? You need to supplement the amino acids your skin is no longer making in order to maintain the same rate of essential proteins for your skin!

Skin care with the amino acid isoleucine should provide your skin with more structure and firmness, as your skin is getting the resources it may need to boost keratin, collagen, elastin, and other structural proteins.

What are your thoughts on isoleucine? Let us know in the Comments!

Products with isoleucine and other skin perfecting amino acids

The Simply Better Skin Care’s™ Skin Perfecting Facial Cream and their Total Body Moisturizing Lotion.

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