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Why Glutamine and Arginine Are All-Star Amino Acids for the Skin

Amino acids are the next big thing in skin care. Not only are they highly effective at promoting collagen synthesis, providing free radical protection, hydrating the skin, and aiding in wound healing, but they are also some of the safest and gentlest ingredients in skin care.

Amino acids are rapidly becoming some of the most popular skin care ingredients available, and for good reason. The human body naturally produces some amino acids, called non-essential amino acids. Others, called essential amino acids, need to be obtained through an external source – generally your diet. Including both essential and non-essential amino acids in your regular skin care routine can have a positive impact on the overall health and beauty of your skin.

Two amino acids that are particularly beneficial to the skin are glutamine and arginine. Read on to find out what makes them such skin care all-stars.

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Skin Benefits of Glutamine

Glutamine, or L-glutamine, is a non-essential amino acid that is naturally present in the human body. It serves a number of specific functions that help skin cells to function optimally for smooth, healthy-looking skin.

First, glutamine has been shown to play a key role in the growth of fibroblast cells. These cells synthesize collagen, which comprises about 75 percent of the skin’s cellular structure. Collagen is the protein that gives the skin its youthful firmness. As we age, however, the amount of collagen that the body naturally produces begins to decline, which can lead to the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. By stimulating collagen production, glutamine helps to reverse the effects of aging, restoring a smoother tone and texture to the skin.

Glutamine also offers free radical protection by aiding in the production of antioxidants within the body. Additionally, it provides immune system support to help reduce infection and accelerate the wound healing process, making it an excellent ingredient to soothe and repair minor skin injuries [1].

SImplyBetter Skin Benefits of Arginine

Skin Benefits of Arginine

Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid, meaning that a certain amount of arginine must come from the diet and other external sources or the body will begin converting citrulline (an essential amino acid) to synthesize it. This is energetically costly to the body and can be a critical factor in times of illness or stress. Like glutamine, arginine provides a variety of unique skin benefits.

Arginine assists in the skin’s wound healing process by reducing inflammation, aiding in tissue formation, and serving as an antioxidant to help boost the immune system. This amino acid is also very effective at helping other skin care ingredients to penetrate the skin by stimulating blood flow, increasing circulation, and naturally binding to water. Not only does this help to increase the efficacy of other ingredients, but it also deeply hydrates the skin.

Finally, arginine is also involved in the collagen synthesis process to help restore the look and feel of healthier, younger-looking skin [2].

The Best Amino Acid Skin Care Products

To reap the many benefits of amino acids like glutamine and arginine, choose skin care products that contain them. Amino acids easily penetrate the skin’s surface, making them very effective topical ingredients [3]. The most powerful concentration of amino acids currently available in skin care is Simply Better Skin Care’s™ Skin Perfecting Facial Cream. This is an anti-aging moisturizing cream that includes a potent blend of 17 plant-derived amino acids, including glutamine and arginine. Use this formula to improve the appearance of nearly all signs of aging, including lines, wrinkles, and discoloration.

In Summary

Amino acids are the next big thing in skin care. Not only are they highly effective at promoting collagen synthesis, providing free radical protection, hydrating the skin, and aiding in wound healing, but they are also some of the safest and gentlest ingredients in skin care. Whether you’re struggling with dry skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, or would like to improve the appearance of signs of aging on the skin, amino acids can be hugely beneficial for the health and beauty of your complexion.

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